About us
Tiflocentre «Vertical» (LLC) was established in 2007 on the basis of a manufacturing company in Torzhok, Tver region, specialized in manufacturing of tactile mnemonic diagrams and Braille books. At the present time Tiflocentre is the largest manufacturing company in Russia, engaged into space adaptation for all categories of people with limited mobility.

Our main areas of activity:
- Examination of orientation ways of visually impaired people, hearing-impaired and locomotor patients.
- Projecting of the barrier-free space for all disabled people, including the ease of use for ordinary people.
- Development and manufacture of various goods for the disabled people:
- equipment for the blind and visually impaired people;
- equipment for the hearing-impaired people;
- equipment for wheel chair users and locomotor patients;
- facilities for inclusive education;
- universal equipment for several categories of the disabled people;
The company’s manufacturing facilities contain 8 workshops on the space area of 22 000 sq.m, - this makes possible to manufacture qualitatively any volumes of the goods. The Design and engineering department is constantly working over improvement of the manufactured tactile facilities and the development of new orientation ones.
The company’s catalogue presents a large range of goods, starting from tactile pictograms and books to tactile-sensory terminals with the software. The leading company’s specialists are certified experts in space adaptation and they take part in the development of regulatory documentation of the Russian Federation on buildings’ accessibility for the disabled people.
Owing to the high quality, goods of LLC Vertical are presented at many socially-important facilities: Ministry of Health, Main Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Museum-panorama - The Battle of Borodino, the Kolomenskoe Museum, the Olympic facilities and parks in Sochi as well as at Sheremetyevo, Pulkovo, Rostov-on-Don, Nadym, Kazan airports, etc.
Nowadays Tiflocentre is developing the inclusive education in Russia. In 2017 the unique training tactile-sound displays for pre-school facilities have been developed.
The complex approach to settlement of accessibility issues makes possible for Tiflocentre to manufacture qualitative goods, which have already been assessed by thousands of the disabled people in our country and abroad.