Audio-tactile map (tactile-speaking plan)
According to statistics only 5-7% of the totally blind persons possess the Braille reading process. Having studied this problem, Tiflocentre Vertical has developed and implemented in manufacture a new device – an audio-tactile map (a mnemonic diagram).
An audio-tactile map (the facility layout) is a perfect device that can transfer the information about environment in a visual, tactile and sound way. The patented invention of Vertical LLC has been already duly appreciated by the blind people from Russia and CIS states.

Apart from standard tactile maps this device may be easily used by any visitor, including visually impaired people. It has a common structure, being different in the facilities of application: entrance units, a water-closet, a park, an underground passage, a public transport stop, etc.
This innovation has made possible the following:
- Getting new information about the examined environment in two accessible ways: sensory, providing a graphic geometric representation, and an acoustic one with verbal description of the routes and obstacles on them;
- Personal use of the mnemonic diagram by the blind people, not possessing the Braille reading process;
- Use of the data device by all categories of citizens;
The application of the audio-tactile maps during the adaptation of social infrastructure facilities raises a lot the status and accessibility of such facilities, laying emphasis on advertency to the problems of people with limited mobility. Moreover, one of important functions of the audio-tactile map is its possible simultaneous adaptation to several foreign languages.